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what is the purpose of chrome-extension inject.js

Hello I have a react project which is working full and functional but when I look into network form console I find an unexpected script called chrome-extension://gppongmhjkpfnbhagpmjfkannfbllamg/js/inject.js which is not associated with my project. Is that a virus or an extension ?? In my chrome://extensions/ there is nothing called inject. Can anyone tell me what is this? This script loading

NodeJs heap-js module: Heap is not a constructor

I am trying to initialize a minimum heap/priority queue in my server.js using the head-js module ( When I run my code, I receive the following error: TypeError: Heap is not a constructor However, according to the documentation, I am initializing the heap correctly, putting in a custom constructor as the parameter. Below is my code: Answer There’s a difference

How to test es6 default values in jest

How do you test the given default parameter value in jest? An example having the module: Or abit more complicated function module. Answer Each expected result of the test case is specified by us, that is, we have set the expected result in advance, whether the result actually returned by the test code is consistent with the expected result, if

How can I get a random streetview location?

I am trying to write a JavaScript web application that allows me to get a random location that has Google Street-view information. The first step I took was to create a random latitude and longitude location, however as the Earth is mostly ocean, I ended up there more often than not. I then tried to use the closest location to

find sum of multiples 3 and 5, JS

I’m given a number and I need to find the sum of the multiples of 3 and 5 below the number. For example: 20 => 78 = 3 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10 + 12 + 15 + 18 My code works, but not for numbers greater than 1,000,000 (I tested it for 100,000 – it gives
