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Category: Questions

Undefined Range Value

For context, I’m just learning JS. On my web-page, I want to have the option to create new range-inputs that are interactive. I also want to use the values of the ranges for an equation. Right now, I can add the ranges themselves fine, and they work, but the values of each range returns as undefined. I found this out

unable to add a border to popup modal

I am using a Popup modal component from the reactjs-popup library. This is how it looks like: I want to add a thick black border to the popup component. How can I do so? My current css doesnt seem to work. Answer You need to set border-style: solid; the default is none. (maybe border-width too)

How can I recurse in JS to repeat a string n times?

I am trying to make the code below repeat string s n number of times, however, it will always repeat n – 1 times, because I need to pass a decrement to exit the recursion or I will exceed the max call stack. What can I change to make it recurse correctly? Answer Recursion involves making a function call itself

Class import produces undefined

I’m working on a Vue app and trying to build some helper classes: file a.js: file b.js: file c.js: When I import Middle it is undefined and giving me Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function on the line of extends Middle I’ve also tried Which should not make a difference as far as I know

Antd: How to change tooltip label on table sorter

I’m new using Antd, I’ve create a table with sort functionalities, but I need to change the text on the tooltip of the sorter. Sorter tooltip:- Thanks in advance, if you need any extra code snippet just please let me know. Answer I was able to solve it this way: The trick is to use the showSorterTooltip property.

What value does a substring have if it doesn’t exist?

I have a string, msg. I want to check if the third character in the string exists or not. I’ve tried if (msg.substring(3, 4) == undefined) { … } but this doesn’t work. What would the substring be equal to if it does not exist? Answer The third character of the string exists if the string has three characters, so
