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Category: Questions

How to conditionally add a key to an object?

Consider these types: I want to convert an object of type A into B by overwriting some keys and adding keys conditionally depending on whether the original object has them: TypeScript throws this error: Why is it inferring b in this way? Is there a way to work around it? Answer It’s a combination of two minor design limitations and

Want to remove previously appended table

When I Click on submit button after clicking on the links it appends perfectly but when I hit the button again it doesn’t remove previously appended table. I want to clear the previously created table when user clicks on the cross button and then print the table again or else overwrite the table but instead it is not removing the

Highcharts Display Xaxis plot line

How can I enable only the left most Highcharts XAxis plot line on DateTime Line chart. I suppose there should be a default option to display XAxis line without needing to know the minimum/start value My progress so far -> }); Answer You need to change the dafault value of the lineWidth property. Live demo: API Reference:

A problem with “No value accessor for form control with name”

I’m preparing a stackblitz for a problem that I have with child-parent communication, but along the way, I’ve been confronted with a different issue, namely, I’m getting the following error: No value accessor for form control with name: ‘endDateFC’. This happens also for startDateFC. I tried the following things from SO: I added ReactiveFormsModule and FormsModule I removed the duplicates

creating alt tags for images gotten through JSON

This web page has three cards with information above and an image below. I am using JavaScript and HTML to get the information that goes to my web page. My JavaScript gets the information it needs from the following online JSON file. The file doesn’t contain alt text for the image. when I run the Wave evaluation tool, it says
