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Category: Questions

How to automatically continue ordered list numbering in table rows

I’m hoping to find a (preferably vanilla) JavaScript solution that will allow me to automatically continue an ordered list in multiple table rows. I want to accomplish the same thing as hard coding but without having to hard code anything. This is the end result I’m after: This is for a series of articles with step-by-step instructions. The articles will

returning extra column with formatted date

I have a schema(table) like following in seqluelize: My requirement is whenever I call or use or include this schema order_entry_header in any place in my app I want date column in to format in a readable text in a different column called date_format In simple sql this should be something like below: I am joining/fetching this table data in

how to disable button if ajax gives error message

I would like to know how I could disable and enable a button according to the message that ajax returns. This is the button that should be disabled in case ajax says that the endpoint is not valid and in case it is correct it should be enabled. PHP CODE Answer If you modify the PHP to return a more

How to use useEffect and for loop to generate multiple JSX elements

I want to use useEffect and for-loop to generate multiple JSX elements but nothing is rendered in this case. warning code: “React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: ‘renderInfoCard’. Either include it or remove the dependency array react-hooks/exhaustive-deps” Answer I wouldn’t put components in state (and you really shouldn’t mutate state either). Instead, wait for all the results to come

How to make object with variable-based values in node.js

What I’m trying to do is keep a database of users in an object so I can assign values to each user, however I can’t find out a way to do it. I’ve tried just doing var data = {} and then eval(`data.user_${user} = value`) but that only writes undefined. Any advice would be appreciated. Answer Try
