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Tag: vuejs3

Object property UNDEFINED in VUE v-for

I have this object inside an array called places which contains 20 similar objects and im using v-for to get each objects data into a div, other properties work fine, but when it comes to the openingHours.text property, it gives an error of undefined you can check the images below for more clarity figure 1 figure 2 Answer Does every

Cannot read string value of an object returned by params

I am just a beginner working on the note app which uses Laravel and Vue. And now I am having trouble trying to read the string value of an object returned by params from router.js and received by message inside props of MyIndex.vue. While the I think the object had been received, when alerting the user with toast, the “this.message.message”

Vue3 – Ace Editor on v-model change

I am using Ace Editor with Vue3: It’s being initialized like this: Now, I want to automatically persist the value of currentRecord.prompt in my database on the backend. To do this, I was thinking of firing of a request to the backend every time the value of currentRecord.prompt was changed in the editor: The problem here is that the watch

How to mutate props in Vue3 and have the parent computed setter called

I know this is an anti pattern, but it would simplify things a lot. And furthermore I’m just curious if it’s possible. When I call test1() I get the following warning: Set operation on key “items” failed: target is readonly. and nothing else happens. When I call test2() items change within the child AND the parent, BUT the computed setter
