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Tag: quasar-framework

i18n how to use $t in translation file

I’m using vuejs 3, quasar 2 and vue-i18n for my traductions. how can i use $t or $tc in translation file like this ? i have the error “$tc is not defined” Answer You should be able to do this with “Linked Locale Messages” ( So with a messages file something like this: You would then do <div>{{ $t(‘message.linked’, 10)

How to add Quasar to an existing Nuxt app?

I want to install Quasar to my existing Nuxt project. I’ve been reading through the quasar docs and the only thing they mentioned in the installation page is their own CLI which has no option for Nuxt. I also came across the nuxt-quasar module but it not maintained anymore. Has anyone have any experience with this? Answer Current answer ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
