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Tag: vue-component

“Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers” error even after using computed var for prop

With the following component, I am getting an Error: [vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers. error: For reference, here is headers.js: and BaseTableColumn.vue: The issue happens here: However, if I follow the docs like so: I still get the errors, specifically in the updated() hook and the highlightFirst() method, even though I’m not referencing or mutating

dynamically render vue template

I have vue template data as string. For example, String s = “<div>{{myData}}</div>” And now I want to render in my already defined vue component. Now I want the output as IRONMAN How can i achieve this? Pleas help. Thanks Answer You can have a single file component and do this – I have one called Dynamic.vue which accepts a

2 components almost identical to each other. The only difference is that each component has a different GET request. Merge them?

I currently have 2 components which are almost identical to each other. HTML structure and CSS rules are the same and the only difference is that on mounted() of these components, a different GET request is made. One gets all the visited places and one gets all wishlisted place. The response to both GET request has the same structure, it
