I have a nested object and only wanted to print the object name. How do I do this in vue.js? This code prints the entire content of the object being iterated: How can I make it only print strings obj1 and obj2? Thanks! Answer Add key,index in v-for loop like v-for=”(obj,key,index) in object1″
Tag: vue-component
Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined using vue.js
I’m learning vue. js .I’m trying to make simple form by using vue.js but I got above error while making a form. I tried but unable to fix the problem. Please help me. Answer UPDATE If you are using cli-vue : https://cli.vuejs.org/ Assume you put file in App.vue : Dont use jquery in Vue project. If you want to use
Vue split components from a single .js file in multiple files
I have created a component inside my index.js (where my main Vue code is). Now I would like to modularize the project and put the component into a separate file. I don’t know how to do that because if I create e.g. optionalapm.js the main index.js returns an error that it can’t locate the vue component optionalapm which I included.
“Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers” error even after using computed var for prop
With the following component, I am getting an Error: [vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers. error: For reference, here is headers.js: and BaseTableColumn.vue: The issue happens here: However, if I follow the docs like so: I still get the errors, specifically in the updated() hook and the highlightFirst() method, even though I’m not referencing or mutating
How to import multiple svgs in vue.js via vue-svg-loader
I want to import multiple svg’s in one vue component. The documentation says I Have to import each one of them, but how can I import multiple svgs in a much shorter and cleaner way? vue-svg-loader documentation: https://vue-svg-loader.js.org/ What happens if I got over one hundred svg’s I want to import? Any ideas to solve this? Answer Create a base
dynamically render vue template
I have vue template data as string. For example, String s = “<div>{{myData}}</div>” And now I want to render in my already defined vue component. Now I want the output as IRONMAN How can i achieve this? Pleas help. Thanks Answer You can have a single file component and do this – I have one called Dynamic.vue which accepts a
Clearing an array content and reactivity issues using Vue.js
A few years ago it was bad practice to do because if the array was referenced somewhere that reference wasn’t updated or something like that. The correct way was supposed to be array.length = 0; Anyway, JavaScript has been updated now, and there’s a framework called Vue.js Vue does not catch array.length = 0; so the property won’t be reactive.
Vuetify text-area empty OR less than 200 character rule
Im using Vuetify and trying to get a text-area to validate ONLY if there are more than 200 characters. I want to ONLY make the field validate if the user has 1 or more characters, but be less than 200 characters IF it is at least 1 character. This filed is not required BUT if they choose to type data
How can I build a simple calculator with Vue.js, using v-model and maybe v-if?
I need to build a simple component in Vue.Js where there is an input field that is showing number of hours an user would save if they switch to our software. How can I use the v-if directive: If they are spending 20 – 30 hours, they would save 10 hours / mo, 30 – 50 hours, they would save
2 components almost identical to each other. The only difference is that each component has a different GET request. Merge them?
I currently have 2 components which are almost identical to each other. HTML structure and CSS rules are the same and the only difference is that on mounted() of these components, a different GET request is made. One gets all the visited places and one gets all wishlisted place. The response to both GET request has the same structure, it