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Tag: vue-component

Watch for async external DOM changes in Vue

I am injecting ads from Revive Adserver with this component: The external api from Revive Adserver will load the ad image for the zone (in the example zone 1234), converting the <ins> element: The <img> tag it creates looks something like this: I would like to edit the created <img> element when it is added into the DOM. I would

Having difficulty adding a second route

So I’m new to VueJs so excuse any mistakes I make here. I have a simple front end application, which is meant to be two pages long. There’s an index route and a game route. The game route takes a path variable name that is meant to be displayed on the screen. I’ve added the route, imported the components but

Vue rendering elements before hiding them

I have a very simple site where I’m using the most basic Vue. When I load the site, it renders divs which are not supposed to show, for a fraction of a second, before hiding them. It makes the site look very unprofessional. Here is the site if you want to experience the glory of flashing divs: Looking around
