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Tag: video

Brightcove video player events for React

Need: I want to get the onComplete event (like the answer here: How to detect the end of a BrightCove Video?) but not able to hook it up to the react version – the documentation link in the answer also returns a 404 MVCE: Using the codepen on unable to get onComplete to fire, like success case is firing

Angular HTML Fullscreen Video Autoplay Not Working

Can anyone explain why this autoplay video is not working in chrome? The video is stored in firebase storage. It plays when you visit a page and then go back to home page, but not when you first enter the page on refresh. It is an angular 6 application as well. Answer Using onloadedmetadata & `oncanplay=””< are the javascript solutions

Unable to change camera / stream for WebRTC call

Source: I’m trying to modify this Webrtc example to add the ability of changing camera (Cross-browser support). Normal usage works perfectly, after changing camera, failed in renegotiation. 1) Get a list of devices via navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() 2) Change local_media_stream after getting new stream 3) Trigger renegotiation function (Copied from line 132 of Source code) I believe that my approaches are

Get data URL from video stream?

I have a video (webm) capture script that works fine. It records video then offers it as a download. The pertinent part of the code is this: This works, as I say. However, the console says that passing media streams to URL.createObjectURL is deprecated, and I should use HTMLMediaElement srcObject instead. So I changed it to: …and although everything still

Detecting video resolution changes

With some codecs and containers, it’s possible for a video to change resolution mid-stream. This is particularly common with RTC-style video streams where resolution can scale up/down based on available bandwidth. In other cases, the recording device might be rotated and the video may flip from portrait to landscape or vice versa. When playing these videos on a web page

Html5 video paused at specific time VideoFrame

For a project i need to pause a video at a very specific time. In order to be precise i watch the frame of the video using VideoFrame. demo here It’s works but i don’t understand why i need to click twice to relanch the video. Any ideas or others solutions ? Thanks Answer Push the video 1 frame after

Embedded YouTube videos won’t replay

Strange one: embedded YouTube videos, once played (either by clicking ‘play’ or autoplaying on page load) will not play again. I’m using the standard iFrame embed copied straight from YouTube. This happens with several different short videos and across all browser/OS combinations I’ve tested (Chrome/Safari/Firefox/IE on Windows/Mac). Here’s the code: and you can see it in action at this fiddle.

Why don’t audio and video events bubble?

I was wondering why some Javascript of mine would not work until I figured that the audio events did not bubble up the DOM tree, e.g. the timeupdate-event. Is there a rationale for not letting the events of the audio- and video-tag bubble? Answer The reason why event bubbling exists is solve the ambiguous question of which element is the
