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Tag: string

Incrementing specific numbers contained within a string

I’m working with strings that look like this: I’d like to increment each number in the string past a specific point exempting numbers next to ‘/’ or ‘x’. For example, if I want to increment all the numbers of the aforementioned string past the point do3mi3so3, I’d expect to get this: Here is my code: Despite the numbers successfully incrementing,

Get two properties at runtime and make combination of those two properties in string (orderby orderdirection)

I have two properties “orderby” and “orderdirection” in widget. In runtime I can adjust those properties check snip : I want to set these properties in my rest api query. eg: Query = “/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘” + listname + “‘)/items?&”$select=ID,Title,Date&$orderby=Title desc,Date asc” Above values are hardcoded but I want to change those values in runtime. When I want to update just one

How to replace string using regex in javascript?

How to check a string and replace the space into “_” ? Please help me out 🙂 Answer Check this out. I think it’s gonna help Hints: /:(w+s*)+/g Separates the :nokibul amin mezba jomadder as a group. Replace the group with index-wise templating {0}, {1} … {n}. Mapping the groups. Ex: :nokibul amin mezba jomadder to :nokibul_amin_mezba_jomadder. Finally, replacing the

print array in method in vue.js

I am very new to vue and I wanted to play around with methods a little. What I wanted to try was printing out an array of Strings and this is the method I tried to use: But I get errors because of i and s. I tried a few things but it always either says I didn’t define or

How to handle empty value in React form fields?

Below code is taken from, my question is how to handle the empty value in the below code. Alert should trigger only when there is some input from the user, it should not trigger if the input is empty Answer you should use an if statement at your handleSubmit function this way if value is equal to ” alert
