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Tag: string

Joining numbers together with a string

I know that for an array join() can be used to produce what I am trying to accomplish here, but I am working with a string. What method would work with a string? I want my output to look like “3 then 4 then 5 then 6 then 7”, etc. I’ve come close to getting what I am looking for

I need to write difficult palindrome

That’s my example. String are given. Implement a function – detectPalindrom, that can detect palindrome string. Given argument not an string – return ‘Passed argument is not a string’. Given string is empty – return ‘String is empty’. Given string palindrome – return ‘This string is palindrome!’. Given string is not a palindrome – return ‘This string is not a

REGEX – Match a pattern in a lengthy string

I am trying to match a particular pattern in a lengthy string: NEW ZEALAND AND (data.operator1:”SHELL AND AMP” AND data.field:”NEW ZEALAND”) OR (data.operator:purpose AND data.field:crank) OR (data.operator:REGULATOR AND data.field:HELICOPTOR) I want to select all the below values followed by : but not the AND/OR/NOT operator. I am trying to use look ahead and look after/behind feature in Regex but unable

How to identify a pattern in a string in nodejs

I have the following problem that I have not been able to solve for several hours: What I want to do is that when I receive a string, identify a pattern in said string and be able to use it later, for example when receiving the text: “Hello this is an example message, the hashtag of the day is #Phone,

JS get string from blob

I have a function And I want it to return a string. When I try to use this data blob_hidden_input.value = create_blob(file_object) blob_hidden_value.value is “[Promise object]”. So how to convert promise to string without black magic? Answer Well, you kinda have to do some black magic to make it work. But hey, black magic is fun sometimes. Just pass in

CodeSignal reverseParentheses Failing one case

Write a function that reverses characters in (possibly nested) parentheses in the input string. Input strings will always be well-formed with matching ()s. For inputString = “(bar)”, the output should be reverseInParentheses(inputString) = “rab”; For inputString = “foo(bar)baz”, the output should be reverseInParentheses(inputString) = “foorabbaz”; For inputString = “foo(bar(baz))blim”, the output should be reverseInParentheses(inputString) = “foobazrabblim”. [input] string inputString A
