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Tag: increment

Javascipt to count increment price for each tier

I am new to coding and currently touch the javascript part. I am facing a question about how to calculate the different tier prices and charges as shown in the image: Tier Pricing Table This is the code that I have tried. i represents the LOAN AMOUNT tier. When i is equal to 1 it will use the next tier

How do I get Javascript to track my score increments?

I am making a basic Rock Paper Scissors game and thought I was coding the score increments correctly, but the game keeps the scores at 0 each round. I tried initializing the variables within the function as well as globally. I tried adding return in front of the variable increments. I tried with and without the return score statements shown

Incrementing specific numbers contained within a string

I’m working with strings that look like this: I’d like to increment each number in the string past a specific point exempting numbers next to ‘/’ or ‘x’. For example, if I want to increment all the numbers of the aforementioned string past the point do3mi3so3, I’d expect to get this: Here is my code: Despite the numbers successfully incrementing,

Increment Interval – JS

This is probably well simple but I just can’t work it out When I run this… it returns all numbers, I want each number every 2 seconds. I tried wrapping the setInterval around the a++ but it then ignored the while. It’s proper stumped me. Thanks in advance. Answer setInterval repeatedly calls a function each period of time, so, in
