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Tag: sass

Improving scroll effect with one side scroll and the other change image based on scroll position

I created this scroll effect, where div is divided into left and right side – left side contains of images, that change based on scroll position and it’s fixed and right side is scrolling content. This is my idea: To describe the sandbox – you can see that my scroll effect works, but right div scrolls only when mouse

how to remove top or root class from child element

I am trying to transpile this scss to css input output expected output In my output .abc class added in all item . I want it should add only on top element ? how to remove .abc class from child element Answer It’s not possible using the parent selector. The only way I can think of is to store the

Vue 2 and NuxtJS – style child component from parent

I have a Nuxt.js project (so still using Vue 2) with these two components, I would like to override the child style from the parent, I discovered the ::v-deep pseudo selector but it doesn’t seem to be working. My label always appear as cornflowerblue instead of orange. Anyone has experienced this before ? PS: After I get that to work,

Vue update data prop whenever element clientWidth changes

I’m currently setting a data prop called w to whatever the clientWidth is for an element that I have in my HTML. It looks like this within my mounted hook: This works fine for initially setting this.w width that element’s clientWidth but what I’m trying to do now is change the value of w whenever the clientWidth changes. This is

Import SASS variables into Material UI theme with NextJS

In my project I have the following files: materialTheme.ts palette.scss I want to de-duplicate these files. I thought I could import the variables from palette.scss into materialTheme.ts but Next.JS throws an error about only importing global CSS into _app.tsx materialTheme.ts (not working) Is there any way I can make NextJS ignore this error just for materialTheme.ts and correctly import the
