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Tag: redux

How to update the state in React Redux?

I’m using a reducer to set the state in Redux. My state currently looks something like this. In my old reducer, I was just getting the conversations array and setting that but now I need access to the activeConversation string as well. Therefore, I decided to use my root reducer which combines everything so it can work correctly. Here’s my

TypeError: (0, _$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[0], “redux”).createStore) is not a function react-native

I’m new in redux I’m trying to connect redux with react native when I set all and In App.js i add <provider store={store}> it display me that error: TypeError: (0, _$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[0], “redux”).createStore) is not a function. App.js cunter.js store.js reducer.js package.json Answer i have same problem but its solved and i just want to share.. its all happen because “npx

How to return value in nested function React (navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition())

I want to add weather by geolocation into my React+Redux app. I found that I can get geolocation by this JS method navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, [options]). I want to dispatch that to my Redux weatherSlice, but this method returns undefined by default so I can’t dispatch it by createAsyncThunk. What is the best way to solve this problem? Answer The getCurrentPosition

Getting ‘Aw snap! : error code: Out of memory’

I was trying to build simple react-redux app using reducers. But every time I open the website it is popping up this error and I couldn’t open the console. I tried to clean cookies and caches but no help. Whenever I change <Posts /> and <Form /> to simple <h1> tags it works perfectly fine, but I can’t find the
