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Tag: reactjs

events.js 167 error in React Installation

I am trying to setup react in my PC. I have completed downloading the reacr modules and am starting to run through local server and these errors occur to me. I know it’s simple error for local server and tried to open the index.html file manually then it didnot show the react logo but instead showed something like this. Please

How do you conditional bind v-model in Vue?

In JavaScript, object can optional spread value like this: In React, JSX can optional pass props like this: Now in Vue, how do I achieve optional v-model? I have a textarea like this How can I achieve optional bind v-model? I want to do this because I want to show warning on that textarea when error occurs. When error occurs,

React – Ajax data not being passed into Child Component

I have two components, one parent one child. I am using the fetch method in componentDidMount() callback. Once I do this, I set the state with key items to that data that is pulled from the api. Once I do this it should be able to be console logged in the child component as a prop. However this is not

VSCODE Javascript template string become white and lost highlight in a non deterministic way

I don’t know exactly how to express it in words to find related problems. In some cases, apparently random, when using JavaScript string templates, the text editor loses becomes white, with bold text and makes editing the code very difficult. First appearance of the problem was when I started working with javascript string for GraphQL query, then it started showing

Why pass {…props} in a React Route?

I’m using the route below just because it was the code I found on the web: I know the {…props} denotes multiple arguments but I can’t understand why I need it at all because the code below also works just fine and props.msg is available in Test expected So what does {…props} actually do when passed in during render? Answer

Using Dividers inside Material-UI Tabs

If I want to use a Divider or something else that isn’t a Tab inside Material-UI Tabs, I get DOM warnings in the console. A workaround for this is to create a middleman-kind class like this: But I was thinking if this is the best solution to solve the issue or if there are other, better ways to stop getting
