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Tag: reactjs

Reactjs – Get Height of a div/image using React Hooks

I want to get Height of an image in a react functional component using react hooks. I have used below code: The problem with this is that it returns the clientHeight as 0 but console.log in useEffect has the correct clientHeight as shown in below pic. This means that ref && ref.current && ref.current.clientHeight is not defined when called but

‘useEffect’ hook only fires once?

I am working of a Guessing Game for ‘React Native’ where the user enters a number and the phone tries to guess it. Each time the phone generates a guess the user can click Greater/Lower. When the user entered number and the computer made guess equal each other we are taken to the game over screen. The game over screen

n is not rendering the text in new line

I am having some dynamic JSON strings like below: So when I am printing the same as output, n is not rendering the text in new line. So I wrote the below code: Now the problem is – It is rendering the text in next line after encountering first occurrence ofn, but not after that. Neither it is working for
