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Tag: reactjs

How do I add a handlechange to a todo app in react?

I’m new to react and making a todo app. I have added an event listener(handleChange) to flip the todosData.completed from true to false and vice versa hereby allowing the user to check and uncheck the checkbox. How can I rectify this. Here is my code: Can someone tell me what I am missing? Answer As pointed by @ChrisG in the

Get values from dictionary based on condition and display results

I have a list of dicts ‘players’: Each dict with the following structure: And I’m extracting an displaying one player name per row, like so: Now I need to display only forwards on the first 3 <Row> components, mids on the second group, and defenders on the last group of <Row>. QUESTION: How do I create a function in javascript

How can I use AntD FormInstance functions correctly?

I’m trying to validate user’s input before they submit the form. How can I pass input field values to my validateInput function and if it returns false trigger and apply the following properties in the field hasFeedback, validateStatus and help Answer <Form.Item> prop rules is an array so you can add many rules to it. If you want to check

Extract values from list of dictionaries and populate component

In my Class component, I have a list of 9 dictionaries as props: Each dictionary key, value structure: Now I need to extract dictionary ‘name’ values and display them as text in my component. For every group of three rows, the value must satisfy the condition of its unique ‘position’, that is, 3 names for ‘fwd’, then 3 names for

Map dictionary keys to rows and display its values

I have a list of dictionaries set as props in my React component, like so: The dicts: And I need to display their NAMES in the rows, each row based on a respective fruit color: export default Basket; How can I map fruit object values from this list os dicts and display fruit names assigning each name to its respective

Correct syntax of printing array objects inside array React

I’m new to ReactJS library, and I’m trying to print the following structure of array: This structure of array is hold in state called question, I have tried to create new functional component and print it on user screen but I received the following error: TypeError: quest[0].map is not a function My target is to print Object0 and Object1 data.

How to get FCM token?

I am trying to get FCM token in react js application. First thing i tried is to use messaging.useServiceWorker(registration) then use messaging.getToken() and it’s working fine on localhost for firefox and google chrome, but on an HTTPS live server it works fine on firefox but in chrome it throws an error: DOMException: Failed to execute ‘subscribe’ on ‘PushManager’: Subscription failed
