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Tag: reactjs

React Hook Form – Controller – React AsyncSelect – Lodash Debounce | Failed showing loadOptions

React hook not showing option in loadingOptions in AsyncSelect when I use debounce from lodash. Here is the code. But, when I am not use debounce like loadOptions={(v) => getAsyncOptions(v)} It works. How to handle this debounce? Answer loadOptions expects that a callback parameter is called with the new options or that a promise is returned. Your debounceLoadOptions returns a

What is App.js file in React? The file is way too long?

I wanted to mention that I am new to react and took over the existing project. The app.js file in the component folder is too long. Does this file update by itself, or is it ok to edit the file? Answer This is the main file in reactJs. It is the parent component of the application. All the components of
