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Tag: reactjs

How do I add an list element seperately to 2 lists?

I am pretty new to react. So I have one parent component which has two child components. These 2 children are the lists that should be displayed. So far I figured out how to transfer the data between two lists by checking the status property of the data. I am not able to understand how to add data into the

Temporary disable Next.js pages on build

There are SSR-related problems with several pages in Next.js project that results in errors on npm run build and prevent the project from being built: For example, bar: As a quick fix, it may be convenient to just not build bar/*.* pages and make routes unavailable. Can pages be ignored on Next.js build without physically changing or removing page component

CORS problem – Access to fetch at *** from origin *** has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ – PUT request to Firebase

I have CORS problem, I am sending an put request for updating data – posts into Firebase with React: I have this notification error in console With post request – to add new posts everything is working fine. Has someone solution for this problem? Answer If you access your database over HTTPS, you need to access the JSON version of

How to dynamically update the components in ReactJS

I am new to React and I don’t know how to overcome the below situation. Let say I have to display a table.In Table <td> i have one dropdown which I got from my child component.And also have some <div> next to the dropdown. So,for each dropdown change, i have to bind some html into that <div>.Below line is working

Using .bind() in functional React component, is it recommended?

I saw this syntax below during our code review, it’s my first time seeing it, I couldn’t find any article online of it being used/recommended – usually I would opt for arrow function or useCallback in this use case. Just curious if anyone else here used this, and if yes, would you be able to provide some references or an

How to filter cars by key-value

I implement car auction, and I have a car items list inside the catalog component. I have buttons that specify the type of car (suv, bike, passenger..) when I click on any of the buttons, I want to redirect to catalog with a filtered list of cars with according typeCar. So data with objects is in App.js I have a
