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Tag: reactjs

background image not showing in React

Public>images>img-2.jpg src>components>pages>Services.js> src>>App.css> src>App.js> This is how I wrote the code. But the picture not working. Screenshot(Failed to compile) Images are not displayed, how can I display images? Please help me. Answer You shouldn’t keep your images in the public folder. When using css inside the src folder you should use the relative path to the image file and during

React.js send id from or pass props to other component

I have this List of albums when i click on it, I want the new Page to have the data from this I want the Information of the album with the id I clicked on in the component Cover. Basically: I click on the ListItem with the 61a947a868f7d778e3ee73f8 My route /ItemPage opens /ItemPage has the Cover Component I

Styling a text in react based on multiple conditions

I am using react and trying to see how to style some text based on multiple condtions. The conditions are based on status. So I have a map function that is iterating over an array of rows and they all have a status field. The five status’ are: ‘INTRO’ ‘BEGINNING’ ‘MIDDLE’ ‘END’ ‘CONCLUSION’ So i want intro status to be

Function doesn’t accept updated value React JS

ascendingDirectionSort has ‘true’ initial value. It can be changed by dropdownlist. When it is changed, console.log in the sortData function shows updated value, but only the ascendingDirectionSort==true condition executes, even when it’s false. Answer While you are passing boolean values to the value props, they will be rendered as HTML attributes and so will be converted to strings. You are

Passing props between siblings

i want to share props from components to sibling children. I’ve read about React Context but can’t implement it. My home component looks like this: I have search state in SearchBar component, and need to pass it to ProductList component Can someone help me to understand this? Answer You can declare the state in parent component (Home) and pass it

Changing Background image using Create React App

Having trouble using Create React App to change a background image I feed to my component through props. The docs say use the import syntax. This works but it would mean I have to hard code every background image to each component. Anyway to do this dynamically? I noticed it won’t let me use template literals on the import syntax
