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Tag: reactjs

NextJs doesn’t rerun scripts

When I use the <Link> tag in NextJs to navigate between pages it doesn’t rerun my scripts after changing pages. It only runs the scripts after the first page load or when I press reload. When using plain <a> tags instead, it works fine because the page reloads after each navigation. As far as I can tell this happens because

My Image is not rendering in reactjs typescript

I’m creating an app using **reactjs **and **typescript **however I encountered an issue while loading **images **inside a component. My error in console This is my component: NB : The images are stored inside a ‘images’ folder and the project component is stored inside a ‘components’ folder **NB#2 : **the first image ‘pin’ loads normally. Thank you for all the

handleChange function causes dispatch function to return undefined

I’m currently learning about useReducer for react. I’m trying to make a recipe box with ingredients, measurements and amounts that you can change by typing inside the text-input boxes. But whenever I try to do the typing, the entire list disappears, and I get this error Each recipe seems to return “undefined” when I try to change any of the

React router v6, group routes by feature

I am using React router v6. THE PROBLEM: my App.tsx is very big as it includes routes for all of the application: Ex. I would like to group these routes by feature so that I end up having something like this: it would look cleaner and easier to read. So far I have created something like this for the Admin
