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How to use the Pagination in Microsoft Graph API

I would like to be able to retrieve all users in my Azure Active Directory and cache it so I could filter my users on demande. I know about the nextLink used for Pagination. I’m fairly new in the React world and Javascript so I need some help understanding how to cycle through all pages to get all my users. Here’s the code I have right now :

    export async function searchADUser(searchQuery?: string, filter: string, orderBy: string = 'displayName') 
  const searchedUser = await graphClient!
    .header('ConsistencyLevel', 'eventual')

  const nextLink = searchedUser["@odata.nextLink"]

  return searchedUser;

I was able to access the nextLink url using the [“@odata.nextLink”]. So my question is how to get all users ? Do I just loop until nextLink is null or there is a better way.

Thank you



Here’s the code to be able to get all pages of data from a Microsoft Graph :

export async function getAllAADUsers(
  authProvider: AuthCodeMSALBrowserAuthenticationProvider
) {

  try {
    let response: PageCollection = await graphClient!.api('/users').get();

    // let allUsers: User[] = [];
    let callback: PageIteratorCallback = (data) => {
      console.log('file: GraphService.tsx ~ line 129 ~ data', data);
      return true;

    let pageIterator = new PageIterator(graphClient!, response, callback);

    await pageIterator.iterate();
  } catch (e) {
    throw e;

That works wonders!

Thank you all for the help
