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Tag: react-redux

Attempted import error: ‘getMoviesList’ is not exported from ‘./actions’; error in react redux

I’m trying to import a function ‘getMoviesList’ written in action/index.js but getting an error even though my code and paths are correct Please have a look on my App.js ( where I’m trying to import that function ) and ./action/index.js ( where I have defined that function ) App.js action/index.js Answer change import { getMoviesList } from ‘./actions’; to import

mapStateToProps & mapActionsToProps not firing in react component

I have a component (SearchFilter.js) and am using connect to trigger mapStateToProps and mapActionsToProps on export. Trouble is, mapStateToProps isn’t firing — no props (neither state nor actions) show up in React DevTools and I can’t even console log from inside mapStateToProps. I’ve tried looking at various Stack Overflow threads but they mostly seem to be typos, or the actions

Issue downloading string as text file

I am trying to download data gotten from a GET request as a .txt file but I keep getting ‘undefined’ as the content of the downloaded file. I only need the data portion of the response. A sample response is provided below as well as my redux action, reducer and my export function My action: my reducer: my download function:

React UseState truthy/falsy

I’m trying to initialize some state for my form component with data from the redux store. If the shippingAddress object is null, I want to set properties of formData object to empty strings. Not sure how to get it to work. Currently I am receiving an error message saying TypeError: Cannot read property ‘address’ of null Answer You could accomplish
