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Tag: python

is there any way to send webrtc frame to python script?

I created first web app(python and django) which shows client’s webcam frames This is my video.js However, I want to use client’s webcam frame as an input to my machine learning script(python .py) file. In local, it was easily done via opencv and numpy. But in web, I cannot feed frames to ML model. Any suggestions? Answer webrtc is a

how to copy variable to [clipboard] in django template

How do I copy a variable from inside the html page of Django templates? Answer Your question may not seem clear enough to describe what you want or describe your problem, but some of my guesses for the solution are that you need to use js code in your template, specifically and document.execCommand(‘copy’). Perhaps the following example will suffice:

Why does howSum solution work in Javascript but not in Python? (Dynamic programming)

This is a follow-up to this question asked on Stack Overflow. Write a function ‘howSum(targetSum, numbers)’ that takes in a targetSum and an array of numbers as arguments. The function should return an array containing any combination of elements that add up to exactly the targetSum. If there is no combination that adds up to the targetSum, then return None.

Copy text from textarea to clipboard – Python

I’m trying to enable a Copy button that will copy the content from the textarea, I gave an example of my HTML file and JS, I tried in all ways but I didn’t succeed. Thanks for your help. My HTML My copy.js Answer You can also use navigator.clipboard.
