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Tag: python

How to display a model data dynamically in Html?

I have a model and in a function this model is updating. I want to display this model’s data dynamically. So, new values should display without refreshing the page. How can I do it? setup_wizard.html All my function works fine. When I looking the MyLongProcess from Django admin and refresh the page, values are updating. Just I

owl Carousel is not working after ajax success in python Django

I want to get the parent category list on the slider by clicking the main category’s slider list. the second category’s sider is not working when I click the main category. $(‘.maincategory’).owlCarousel({ }); Answer The .empty() method clears element content but doesn’t destroy the existing Owl carousel instance on that element, you need to this with $(“.secondCategory”).trigger(“destroy.owl.carousel”) before setting the

getting errolist when using htmx and tinymce

Im trying to implement post request with htmx and for rich text editor using tinymce. my form : The error I get : it works just ok when I used the traditional post request with TinyMCE. when I used htmx without TinyMCE its work just fine too. it just when I combine htmx and TinyMCE I get the error. my

Playwright auto-scroll to bottom of infinite-scroll page

I am trying to automate the scraping of a site with “infinite scroll” with Python and Playwright. The issue is that Playwright doesn’t include, as of yet, a scroll functionnality let alone an infinite auto-scroll functionnality. From what I found on the net and my personnal testing, I can automate an infinite or finite scroll using the page.evaluate() function and
