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Tag: parameters

Redirect based on the ?id= parameter in the url

I have a login system that I build in PHP and MySQL. if any of my users log in they get directed to the user.php page I have an authenticate.php page that redirects the user based on their ID to a page. This is the code that adds the id to the URL: header(“Location: user.php?id=”.$id); ) Can I write a

Multiply (a)(b) function possible?

I have an oddball of a question from a code quiz. They expect me to write a function that multiplies (a) and (b) but instead of writing it like: They expect me to do the math with: Is it possible ? Answer Make a function that returns another function.

PHP Redirection with Post Parameters

I have a webpage. This webpage redirects the user to another webpage, more or less the following way: Well, you see, what I do is transferring the GET params into POST params. Do not tell me it is bad, I know that myself, and it is not exactly what I really do, what is important is that I collect data
