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Tag: nuxt.js

Catch all routes in NuxtJS pages routing

I have this page route in NuxtJS: pages/_book.vue So that when I go to localhost:3000/my-book, is equal to “my-book” as expected. However some books are nested deep inside several directories. I want to get the full route as These routes should be separated by “/”. For example, localhost:3000/finance/strategies/experts should make equal to “finance/strategies/experts”. How can I achieve

Nuxt: Dynamic head / meta title is undefined on ssr

I have a nuxt project, where the meta title and description comes (from nuxt/content). The async fetch for the data is made in index and received in a sub component via a getter. On generate, the meta tags are there but on ssr not :/ I tried it with async and await, but I still get the error Uncaught (in

How to add Quasar to an existing Nuxt app?

I want to install Quasar to my existing Nuxt project. I’ve been reading through the quasar docs and the only thing they mentioned in the installation page is their own CLI which has no option for Nuxt. I also came across the nuxt-quasar module but it not maintained anymore. Has anyone have any experience with this? Answer Current answer ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
