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Tag: npm

How to set outerHTML with using of cheerio

could someone answer me, how to properly set outerHTML of element by using cheerio. I have a problem with that. Example: Let’s say I have an HTML structure below Parsing it via cheerio and adding some manipulations As a result I expect to have all divs to be replaced with p. But only spans are replaced with p. I want

NPM Run Watch is Not Working For React Project

Hello Im trying to use NPM Run Watch so I can see localhost:3000 for my React Project but I’m getting a weird error so I don’t even know where to begin. Not sure if anyone is familiar with this guy but I’m using codingphase starter package and before I did npm run watch I installed gulp I had some errors

What does `–save` do in NPM 5.0 +

In the past –save was used to add the package to the package.json, but as of NPM 5 installing adds packages by default: What is the –save option for npm install?. So does save do anything in NPM 5.0 +? Answer Is not necessary any more. It does not even appear in the npm documentation. But I think they leave

Javascript WebDataRock pivot-table configuration from a demo starter example

I can not make this demo work, with the “hierarchy” parameter, even though I specify the parameter value, it applies the condition to all hierarchy chain. Starter demo: CodePen example which is also referenced from starter demo : You could replace CodePen JS code with the code below to get a hierarchic render directly. Here is related github

ASP .Net Core 3.1 octokit rest npm package issues

I use npm and a gulpfile.js to essentially export npm packages to a ‘lib’ folder under ‘wwwroot’; this works a treat and whenever I update a specific npm package if it’s in my gulpfile.js watch list it’ll push the contents to the ‘lib’ folder. The issue I have is that I used to use a manually extracted copy of ocktokit-rest

Unable to resolve dependency tree Reactjs

I am trying to install react-tinder-card in my current project.So i am tring to install the react-tinder-card but after i use the command npm install –save react-tinder-card All i can see in my console is: When i opened the debug.log file, i found this: I don’t understand what that means. Please help me find the solution.Any sort of help would

Can not run React App after cloning it from Github

I really need your help. I would be highly appreciated. I clone this project :, and I want to have a front-end website like this: But I can not run it locally. I have tried “npm install” and then “npm start”, check package.json carefully but it still does not work and gave me this error: Answer 1- are
