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Tag: next.js

Next-Auth : How the registration is handled with a email + password credential provider?

How the registration is handled with a custom credential provider ( email + password)? Currently my […nextauth].js looks like this: All tutorials I found online only shows the login/signIn without details on how to implement registration Answer Registration is the process of registering the user, saving new users’ credentials into the database. It is independent of next-auth. You create a

use getStaticProps in component

I started a project with next js and typescript. I have a main component that I call it in the index.js page I use the getStaticProps function in the main component getStaticProps returns a prop object and when I log this prop in my main component I received undefined in my console. I want to know using the getStaticProps in

How can I use Bootstrap 5 with Next.js?

After installing bootstrap with npm install bootstrap I added the style to /pages/_app.js like so: However anything from it that uses javascript does not work at all, e.g. the Collapse example from their docs. If I add import ‘bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js’ to /pages/_app.js then it starts “working” as expected, until a page reload in which it says ReferenceError: document is not defined

NextJS load external image Amazon

There is a specific url on amazon that stores some images on s3 that the amazon domain in question is already configured on the domain in next.config.js, but does not load on the front. If I put any external url, unsplah or other, it loads normally. The url in question is: And the error that occurs on the console

nextjs has some exclusive functionality for vercel only

I’m migrating all my applications to nextjs framework! and I would like to know, if all the functionality of nextjs is possible to replicate on private dockers servers or any type of jamstack itself or some functionality is limited only to the vercel platform Answer you can replicate all the functionality of nextjs in private applications such as docker k8s
