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Tag: navbar

Bootstrap CSS positioning

The words or text below the logo in the navbar are not moving to the right of the logo (for reference link to the page -> Additionally the logo is not shifting to its left – it’s happening in basically all the navbar codes. I’m trying to do this using CSS bootstrap. Any explanation would be very helpful since

Link routes in react changes the link but nothing is changing in the content of the page

I’m trying to make a navbar using react , but although the link has changed , the content never being changed ! routes in my App.js : Home.js file , the content “Home” doesn’t appear , although the link changed: Also the content of Blog.js file doesn’t appear “same as Homel.js”: code of navbar Navbar.js using bootstrap : Layout.js: Answer

Bootstrap toggler doesn’t hide

I am making a website using Bootstrap 5. The navbar can show the navigation when it is in a responsive viewport and I click the toggler icon, but doesn’t hide if I click it again. Looking inside the developer tools I see that the class show is still present. My html navbar: The Bootstrap scripts: The status of toggler before

Bootstrap 4 Navbar Collapse doesn’t work

I have a problem with Bootstrap 4 navbar collapse feature. I set it so that the navbar collapse in mobile viewport but instead of collapsing, it shows the items as a vertical list. This is the code: I’m using a customized version of Bootstrap 4 (compiled from scss). I tried to use the standard version and it does show the
