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Tag: mouseevent

HTML5 Canvas stroke not following mouse Y point

I’m writing a drawing app in HTML5 Canvas, which includes a freehand draw with the mouse. I have a problem whereby the mouse move to draw the stroke is not under the crosshair cursor. The X co-ordinate is fine, but the Y coordinate is offset by a varying amount as the mouse pointer is moved (closer at the top of

JS event listeners stop working during item drag, only fire after pointerup and subsequent mousemove

I am having trouble getting event listeners to fire when the actual event occurs. I have created a drag-and-drop system that sets a variable hoveringOverTarget = true on pointerover of the target, listens for pointerdown on an image, and then calls a function on pointerup to check if it’s been released over the target. However, during dragging of the image,

change opacity and animated that with react js

i started a simple project with my project i have a paragraph and when mouse hover on paragraph (mouse enter event) a square appears under the paragraph and when hover out from paragraph(mouse leave event) that square disapear.but this occure so fast so i want changing this smoothly and i want use opacity and change that from 0 to

Hide custom cursor when mouseover on iframe

I am struggling trying to find out how to hide my custom cursor when it’s over an iframe. I designed a custom cursor but it works fine in all the web sections. However, when it goes over he Vimeo iframe, the mouse stay at the edge of the iframe and shows the default web browser cursor. I think the easiest
