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Tag: mouseevent

Mouseleave triggered by click

I have an absolutely-positioned div, and I’m trying to keep track of when the mouse moves over it, and when the mouse leaves. Unfortunately clicking on the text in the box occasionally triggers the mouseleave event. DEMO: js fiddle How can I prevent this? JS HTML CSS Answer This seems to be a bug (I could reproduce it in Chrome

Detect mouse direction – JavaScript

This is how I detect the mouse direction and it works so good but it works only on Chrome, how I can make this compatible with other browsers (Firefox, Opera and at least ie8+ or ie9+). No jQuery please. Answer Stick with pageX and define oldx in a higher scope, otherwise it’s always zero FIDDLE

javascript mouse events

Is there a way in javascript to make it so that an “onclick” works for all members of a particular class? So if I have objects A and B that are both of type X, clicking on either of them will call the same function? But that function should only work on whichever of A or B was called, not

Mouse event weirdness

Here is the Greasemonkey script I’m working on (source below): You can test it out on this page: Hover over a thread title and a div appears with a preview. The weird thing is, when you move your mouse around on the div, the mouseout event is getting fired for some reason. Anyone have any ideas as to

Capture mouse position on setInterval() in Javascript

I have a function in Javascript that moves one div depending on the mouse position. This function is set on a setInterval() function and executed every second. I need to capture the mouse position like this: Ps: I cannot use the mousemove event because the function must be executed even if the mouse is stopped. Answer The only time that
