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Tag: material-ui

Place text on Box Component of Material UI

I want the hover functionality to happen (UI) which is happening in this case: Desired UI Source: Now since modifying background image styles is a bit complicated, I have to use the Box Component from Material UI and in it, I have placed the image and also done the desired transitions like zoom out, etc. However I cannot add

Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘@mui/icons-material/FileDownload’

I have installed both @material-ui/core and @material-ui/icons. I am trying to import “FileDownloadIcon” from Material icons. Installing “@material-ui/core”: Installing “@material-ui/icons”: This is the way I am trying to import “FileDownloadIcon”: But it’s occurring error like this “Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘@mui/icons-material/FileDownload’ in ‘E:frontendsrccomponentDetails'” Can anyone tell me where is the problem? Answer FileDownload icon is added in v5, it

Add Tooltip over a button

I’m trying to create a button which copies into clipboard content from variable using TypeScript and Material-UI. I tried this: Button to call above code: Do you know how I can add Tooltip over the button to display message for successful copy when the text is copied? Answer You can use the controlled version of the MUI tooltip to
