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Tag: loops

Search in array of precise positions

I currently have a painting with 64 tiles, each color is defined. Grey is a valid position, black is an invalid position (a wall), green is player pawn 1 and red is player pawn 2. When player 1 clicks on his green pawn he can choose to duplicate himself on a valid tile close to him (Grey) or jump on

Why does this GET request create infinite loop? (React)

First, please look at the code. The problem happens with this following code. When I add actionItemArray in the second argument array, It keeps looping these two console.log events. When I delete actionItemArray from the second argument of useEffect Hook, I have to refresh my page to added, deleted and edited actionItems. I have no idea why it happens. Please

browser freezing when in while loop (snake game)

I’m making the popular snake game for js homework. I have a function which is meant to ensure that after an apple is eaten it moves to a different location on the canvas while not being on any part of the snake, the function without the loop works fine (though apples are placed on the snake too): the function though

JS Classic Fibonacci Challenge – Differences between two solutions

I have two solutions to the same challenge, this classic fibonacci challenge that everyone knows how to solve it (even your pets). I kindly ask you NOT to suggest any other solutions. I just want to compare these two solutions. Thousands different solutions can be found with searches. Challenge: Both solutions below are working fine. My only question is: Does

Substring all aria-label elements of an array

HTML Here I have a JS script working to get the number of the active slide in result of a variable. to get it, I’ve substring info from “aria-label” (keeping only slide number before ” / 13″) of the active slide: result // numactiveslide: “4” **How to get the same for not 1 but 3 special slides (prev,active,next). I try

Vuejs Iterate through a ref object

I have a small problem, I get my ref object from that method And i want to use another method using that ref object : But i can’t iterate through : Is there anyway to make that work ? Thank you 🙂 Answer As the response is an object and not an array, you cannot iterate over it with forEach,
