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Tag: jquery

Clicking a href selects hidden radio button

I’m trying to implement a plans page. In this page a user can only select one plan obviously. So I have a form that has radio buttons representing each plan. But Radio buttons are ugly right!? So I’m trying to hide them behind a regular a href styled nicely. Is it possible to have an a href actually select a

Bootstrap 4 File Input

I am struggling with bootstrap 4 file browser. If I use custom-file-control I will see Choose file value all the time. I would like to change the value of choose file after the file has been chosen. This value is actually hidden in css .custom-file-control:lang(en)::after and I do not know how to access and change it in javascript. I

Why is this JQuery error happening? Animate is not a function

I am learning jQuery and trying to work my way around a scroll effect. Anyway, I am trying to make this code work but having trouble in doing so. It breaks when It runs the animate function: I would really appreciate your help on this one. Thank you. Uncaught TypeError: $(…).animate is not a function at HTMLAnchorElement. (script.js:58) at HTMLDocument.dispatch

Chartjs Bar Chart showing old data when hovering

I have a bar chart that’s created using chart.js. Everything works fine on page load, but when I change the time frame using a daterangepicker, a glitch appears. The new data is brought in, but when I hover over it, the old data is shown. I’m new to javascript so I’m hoping to get some help. It looks like I

Javascript classList.remove not working properly

Check this fiddle: JSFiddle HTML: JavaScript: And check the console log. There are 10 entries for each, someStyle and otherStyle. Now uncomment //tSomeStyleClasses[i].classList.remove(“someStyle”); and //tOtherStyleClasses[i].classList.remove(“otherStyle”); and run the fiddle. Check the console log again. 2 x 10 styles should be removed, but instead it removes only 5 styles. I wonder why? Answer The value returned from .getElementsByClassName() is a live

Slick slider custom dots

I was wondering if there is a way to use custom slick slider dots. When I search, all I can finds is examples on how to change the dots into thumbnails from the slides, however this is not what I’m trying to accomplish. I just want to use my own png pictures for the active and non-active dot navigation. I
