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Tag: javascript

how to generate spiral matrix in javascript?

I am trying to generate sprial matrix in javascript. question Given an integer A, generate a square matrix filled with elements from 1 to A^2 in spiral order. input : 3 when input is 4 my approach is to create 2d array with 0 value and after that they will fill values. Answer You could take loops for each edges

events.js 167 error in React Installation

I am trying to setup react in my PC. I have completed downloading the reacr modules and am starting to run through local server and these errors occur to me. I know it’s simple error for local server and tried to open the index.html file manually then it didnot show the react logo but instead showed something like this. Please

When you chain a property, do you call it?

This question concerns semantics of “property” and “method.” I understand that in JavaScript, a variable in an object is a property and a function in an object is a method. In a Node.js application, I’m passing process.mainModule.filename as an argument to path.dirname(). mainModule is a property of the Process object (as I found in the Node docs). Is it correct

t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0] is undefined in ApexCharts. How to correctly build the series array?

I’m a beginner in Vue and I’m using vue-apex chart to create a chart in my application. I want to display in chart, the values of the two component’s properties “uncorrectAns” and “correctAns” that I compute thanks to a specific method (computeStat()). When I run the application, the chart isn’t displayed and I get this error message on the browser

Issue with splitting string with line break in vue

So I’m trying to set a filter to replace a hyphen with a <br> to spit it onto a new line. I’ve created a filter like this: And then However, this just prints the </br> instead of breaking the line. I’m new to vue so not sure what I’m doing wrong? Answer The problem is not with your filter. It’s

How do you conditional bind v-model in Vue?

In JavaScript, object can optional spread value like this: In React, JSX can optional pass props like this: Now in Vue, how do I achieve optional v-model? I have a textarea like this How can I achieve optional bind v-model? I want to do this because I want to show warning on that textarea when error occurs. When error occurs,
