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Tag: input

Set autocomplete off for Formik field

To set the autocomplete off for a simple input it must be done like this: <input type=”text” autocomplete=”off”> In this case, there is a Formik Field and the input looks like this: and it seems that adding autocomplte=”off” doesn’t work in this case: Any ideas? Answer I am not sure where you are doing wrong. You can simply do this:

Adding space after every 3rd number in input

I want to add space after every 3rd number, but this code doesn’t work if the input is type=”number”. Does someone know how to modify the code to make it work even for type=”number” ? Here is my input: And also here is the script: Answer Try this: Use in your event: <input type=”number”… makes it so you can go

Compare date values “instantly” on user input

This question might be similar to this other question: HTML Comparing 2 Dates with Javascript But I don’t want to use a button, simply make it instant. I have 2 inputs of type date and I want to compare between them. Now the condition works perfectly, It compares the 2 dates and shows an error if the 2nd date is

How can I put an input in the alert() box?

I have a question that I want to put an input in an alert box. What thing I have to do to create this? To make it I’ve to put an another tag, attrib, special properities, etc… Thanks. I think could be like this: Answer You can’t put anything in an alert box. As the name indicates, it’s an alert.

Duplicate inputs when append using jQuery

Here is the code: Here starts the problem with the following script according to the tour selection I’m trying to set up a minimum and maximum so that the user can’t choose more numbers for the people on the tour. The problem is that when the user select first one option, and then realised that the best option is another

Additional input fields when filling up previous

Im trying to add additional fields in case when my user has filled up one group of inputs. So the idea is that when he finishes filling up the last input in that group, another group of inputs for same kind of items collapses/appears under existing one. One group of items consists of three inputs. After filling up that one,

Disable input conditionally (Vue.js)

I have an input: and in my Vue.js component, I have: validated being a boolean, it can be either 0 or 1, but no matter what value is stored in the database, my input is always disabled. I need the input to be disabled if false, otherwise it should be enabled and editable. Update: Doing this always enables the input
