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Tag: hash

Trying to recursively hash values in object

friends. I’m trying to write code that hashes all values in a JSON file, regardless of file structure, while preserving the keys and structure. I’m new to javascript, and am having some trouble. My code hashes the values of big and baz, but doesn’t recursively hash the values of cat and bar like I want it to. Ideally, I want

Using javascript `crypto.subtle` in synchronous function

In javascript, is it possible to use the browser built-in sha256 hash ( inside a synchronous function? Ideally, I’d like to do something like I already tried things like (async() => {hash = await digestMessage(message); return hash})(), but I can only get back the promise object. It seems to me that it might not be possible to achieve what I

What is the difference between “window.location.href” and “window.location.hash”?

I learned “window.location.hash” new and tried in my jquery code instead of “window.location.href” and both of them gave same results. Code is here : What is the difference between them? Answer For a URL like http://[]:80/search?q=devmo#test hash – returns the part of the URL that follows the # symbol, including the # symbol. You can listen for the hashchange event

How to generate short uid like “aX4j9Z” (in JS)

For my web application (in JavaScript) I want to generate short guids (for different objects – that are actually different types – strings and arrays of strings) I want something like “aX4j9Z” for my uids (guids). So these uids should be lightweight enough for web transfer and js string processing and quite unique for not a huge structure (not more
