I have a values in google sheet and the format is =+40,-58. This give me ERROR! because the sheet is taking it as formula. I can manually edit this by adding ‘ single qoute before equal sign but when i append qoute using script it append qoute with ERROR!. Tried multiple thing like getting cell type, convert it to string.
Tag: google-sheets
forEach function for multiple sheets in Google Scripts
I am attempting to run a script that will copy info from multiple different sheets to a different file. I am having issues with the forEach function. The error I am getting is: Error ReferenceError: sheets is not defined copy @ Code.gs:9 copyInfo @ Code.gs:4 Answer If you create a function to use with forEach, that function needs to accept
setValue function skipping rows instead of choosing current in for loop
I have this code in Google Apps Script that is linked to a Google Sheet: The script is supposed to send reminder emails. Everything works well, except this one line: This line should add the value of 1 to a specific cell in the Google Sheet, in the current row the for loop is at. However, instead of adding the
Pass Google Apps Script (GAS) – Charts Service chart to HTML Template to create within GAS to create Modeless Dialog Box
User: Tanaike kindly answered my question here: Pass Google Apps Script (GAS) – Charts Service chart to HTML Template within GAS However, I realized that I’d like to also edit my template and use a modeless dialog box to do some formatting prior to sending an email; I find it helpful to preview my work in the modeless dialog box.
Pass Google Apps Script (GAS) – Charts Service chart to HTML Template within GAS
https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/charts I’d simply like to pass the chart object generated from Charts Service within the HTML template (where I choose – not as an attachment, but within the template) to email. I have had success attaching the chart object, but I’d like to integrate this within the email itself/embed Here is the Google Apps Script code (using the link above
NodeJS accessing Google SpreadSheets
I made this code (index.js): I’m trying to connect my code with a google spreadsheet. For the connection, I’m using node.js, but I’m getting this error message. Does anyone know why I’m getting this error? What am I doing wrong? Answer When I saw your showing script and your error message, I’m worried that the current version of google-spreadsheet you
forEach array getting error TypeError: Cannot read property ‘forEach’ of undefined
im trying to clean some sheets, individually i make it work uncommenting and changing sheet name but when when i try to group in array and execute with foreach im getting error TypeError: Cannot read property ‘forEach’ of undefined doCleanSheets @ – 10x_to_11x.gs:87 line 87 is SpreadsheetApp.getActive().sheet.forEach(doClean); searched for error, but results were way more complex than my case, and
How to sort sheet by cell’s background color – have the code, but don’t understand the error
I’m trying to finish this project but the last part is holding me up for 2 days now. I have a Google Sheet, very simple, and I just need it to auto-sort by cell’s background color. I have 7 colors that I need in this order, and I have tried using the Sort Range Plus extension, which does work, but
How to add conditionals to user input in App Scripts with while loops?
I made a selectBox which had its range of values from a Google Sheet Column. I also want to take an Integer input value from the user and then write this value in a specific cell according to option taken from selectBox. The html link does not show the integer response box. Is it possible to do the above plan
How to make a hyperlink function that changes according to cell value?
I want to put a value into the cell and get a research hyperlink. I’m using the link: https://projudi.tjpr.jus.br/projudi/processo/buscaProcesso.do?actionType=pesquisaSimples&flagNumeroUnico=true&numeroProcesso= For example, I write a value (00156610320218160021) in a blank cell, and after this, the link it will be: The next cell, if I write this value (0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025), the link will be: =HYPERLINK(“https://projudi.tjpr.jus.br/projudi/processo/buscaProcesso.do?actionType=pesquisaSimples&flagNumeroUnico=true&numeroProcesso=0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025″;”0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025”) Important things: Before I write this numbers, the