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Tag: google-cloud-functions

There was an error deploying functions. Failed to update function app in region us-central1

This is my first time trying to deploy a function firebase function. I’ve written an API and I want to create a firebase function and use it. In my project everything works on localhost and even worked when I did firebase serve –only functions, hosting. Since I’m only using hosting and functions I didn’t do the initializeApp(firebaseConfig) thing of firebase

Firebase – How to extend FirebaseError?

I am implementing a cloud function for signing up with unique username and password. In order to throw exceptions, I was previously doing the following: signUpValidation.js signUp.function.js But, I don’t really like this way of throwing the exceptions in the signUpValidation module… it makes more sense to me to throw “AuthErrors” instead of “HttpsErrors”. So, as it seems not possible

Getting `eslint’ – parsing error, while compiling firebase cloud function

Recently I’ve started working on a project based on firebase cloud functions and firestore database. I’m writing a cloud function trigger function which will query a “Collection group”, on a new document being created. Below is the cloud function code file: But while compiling i am being thrown the below error I tried a lot but I am unable to

Invoking Firebase Function from Firebase hosting code blocked by CORS

I’ve initialized a templated Firebase project with functions & hosting features. I’ve uncommented the templated HTTP function: And Also added the following code to the templated public/index.html file: I’ve tried making this work with multiple configurations: Firebase emulator for hosting, invoking the deployed Firebase function. Firebase emulator for hosting, invoking the emulated function (Firebase functions emulator). The deployed hosting, invoked

Querying multiple collections of firestore using array-contains-any

I am trying query a number of documents in different collections with array-contains-any, by using Promise.all() to get all the documents at once. I’ve checked whether the path is correct, whether the documents exist, whether the key exists in the document and everything is ok. The querySnapshots and snapshots have no data retrieved. At some point of the log says:
