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Tag: google-cloud-functions

Sending POST request with Fetch after closing the browser with ‘beforeunload’ / ‘unload’ eventlistener is not working

for the life of me I can’t figure out what is happening. I’ve been spending all day searching for the answer but can’t find it anywhere. I’m practicing with writing a function that emails an abandoned form to me. This is the index.js file I run for the local host that hosts the form The function that the request is

SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word, for await loop

I have a function like this: but when I try to deploy it to firebase functions I got the following error: Found this: but I did set my ForLoop in an async function… Answer for-await loops are first available in node in version 10. You’re probably using an earlier node version either locally or in package.json. You will need

Firebase Cloud Functions for Firestore are not triggering

Cannot get Firebase Cloud Functions for Firestore to trigger on onWrite of my collection. Trying to setup device to device push notification for chat app. Function is deployed and on Pay as you go plan, however, changes in document, updates or create in “chats” collection is not triggering. Firebase cloud messaging is supposed to send a push and write to

Firebase firestore cloud functions showing Error: Invalid use of type “undefined” as a Firestore argument

I have a project to add currency details into the firestore database and my project is doing with ionic 3 Whenever I add a new document to the collection a trigger function onCreate() will execute and update the document named ‘updated’. But the trigger function always showing an error. sombody please help.. i have spent lot of time on it.
