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Tag: google-apps-script

Google Calendar API – sendUPdate not working to

Using Google App Script to create a Calendar event and having problems with the “sendUpdates” parameter to send email notifications on the creation of the calendar event. According to the documentation here: events.insert. The “sendUpdates” parameter has to be included, so my code looks something like this: However, upon running the above function, I don’t see any email notification about

How to make a hyperlink function that changes according to cell value?

I want to put a value into the cell and get a research hyperlink. I’m using the link: For example, I write a value (00156610320218160021) in a blank cell, and after this, the link it will be: The next cell, if I write this value (0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025), the link will be: =HYPERLINK(“″;”0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025”) Important things: Before I write this numbers, the
