I am trying to update the title of the events in the last 7 days in a specific calendar, when an user submits a form. I have this code now: However, I get that error when running the code: TypeError: events.setTitle is not a function myFunction @ update.gs:22 I tried many different ways of doing it, but it always ends
Tag: google-apps-script
How to sort sheet by cell’s background color – have the code, but don’t understand the error
I’m trying to finish this project but the last part is holding me up for 2 days now. I have a Google Sheet, very simple, and I just need it to auto-sort by cell’s background color. I have 7 colors that I need in this order, and I have tried using the Sort Range Plus extension, which does work, but
I need 2 different buttons, to create new folder and create a new PDF in that folder
I’ve been struggling to build a specific weekly stock system reports. So to give you a basic overview, I have a mastersheet that I want to generate reports from, triggered by an UI button. The first step however is to create a folder for that week to place the PDF’s in. I can create the folder, and I can generate
Merging contents of an array based on matching content
I am writing some Google Apps Script to get each Google Group and list it’s members then output it to a Google Sheet. Currently, I am grabbing each group and email address and pushing it to the memberArr, however I then want to ‘merge’ the relevant information. So if for example, I have X Groups and Group 1 has 4
Upload a file from URL to Google Drive with Google Apps Script
I am trying to upload a file to my Google Drive instance through Google Apps Script. I have the URL of the file, but due to my local server’s nature (running locally) I can only download it locally. This means that I can only manage the file locally, and I only the response can be sent to my Google Apps
Google Calendar API – sendUPdate not working to
Using Google App Script to create a Calendar event and having problems with the “sendUpdates” parameter to send email notifications on the creation of the calendar event. According to the documentation here: events.insert. The “sendUpdates” parameter has to be included, so my code looks something like this: However, upon running the above function, I don’t see any email notification about
how to get value from array to display as text in input field
I am using google sheet as may data and AppScript as my back end, I try my solution but unfortunately none of them work what I’m trying to do is fetch the data from Google Sheets and then display it in input fields This is the source code for getting data from Google Sheets This is the source code for
How to add conditionals to user input in App Scripts with while loops?
I made a selectBox which had its range of values from a Google Sheet Column. I also want to take an Integer input value from the user and then write this value in a specific cell according to option taken from selectBox. The html link does not show the integer response box. Is it possible to do the above plan
How to make the client-side code wait for the full execution of google.script.run?
I’ve got a Google Apps Script WebApp that relies on an array of objects that are generated from a Google Spreadsheet. The app uses jquery and miniSearch to provide user functionality. Currently, I run the server-side function with a success handler at the beginning of the HTML tag and update a “global” variable with the array of objects declared before
How to make a hyperlink function that changes according to cell value?
I want to put a value into the cell and get a research hyperlink. I’m using the link: https://projudi.tjpr.jus.br/projudi/processo/buscaProcesso.do?actionType=pesquisaSimples&flagNumeroUnico=true&numeroProcesso= For example, I write a value (00156610320218160021) in a blank cell, and after this, the link it will be: The next cell, if I write this value (0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025), the link will be: =HYPERLINK(“https://projudi.tjpr.jus.br/projudi/processo/buscaProcesso.do?actionType=pesquisaSimples&flagNumeroUnico=true&numeroProcesso=0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025″;”0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025”) Important things: Before I write this numbers, the