I am making an attempt at something similar to redux-form but in Vue & with Vuex. Basically it should make the handling of forms more streamlined and make you write less boilerplate. The problem i’m having is when i’m trying to pass props dynamically to a component from a HOC. I’m not quite sure how to do it. In React
Tag: frontend
React Components – What is the proper way to create them?
I’m learning React and I came across two different ways to create components. One is by Facebook and the other by AirBnB. I also saw them in the tutorials I’ve been watching. This may be a stupid question, but which one is better? Facebook: AirBnB: Disclaimer: I may have errors in the code, so please forgive me and just focus
Unknown white space appear on the right side of web page
Here’s the look: [] I did the page in ReactJS, but I’ve made a copy of the page here. To better show the white space, here’s the screenshot: several interesting observations: when the page is first loaded, there’s no such issue. the issue only appear, when the second image box (the one with 100% bar there) added into DOM screen.width
strip decimal points from variable
I have a series of variables that have a decimal point and a few zeros. How do I strip the variable so it goes from 1.000 to 1? Answer Simply… …assuming you want to round 1.7 to 2. If not, use Math.floor for 1.7 to 1.