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Tag: frontend

Populate using v-for loop in VueJS

I am new to VueJS and I just figure out how to populate Select Options box using v-for loop. Here is the list I have. This is our desired output. Answer Luckily for you, Vue can loop through the properties in an Object as described in v-for with an Object. I’ve also included a snippet below which should help you

Create Chamomile in HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT

i want to create Chamomile flower, i have flower paper like this 1. 2 and what to create something like 3 can anyone help me ? i created this code but it’s lookalike like 4 How to create this or anyone has example something like that ?I want to do a divination on chamomile, have horoscope website that’s i need

When should I use componentDidMount?

In React componentDidMount is used during the mounting phase, for example, one can setState and wrap it in componentDidMount. But, one can use setState directly and then render the component. In which cases should I prefer componentDidMount for a mounting phase? Answer It’s useful for several things: Starting ajax As the documentation says, doing subscriptions to things (for instance, if

Display data repeatedly

I’m working on a website where I’m showing data from my MySQL database. The data in the database is added every minute and I want to print that value live on my website. I’m using the following PHP code for a random number: How can i get this number to keep refreshing every minute without refreshing my browser? Answer You

How to setup react properly

I have been following the react setup instructions on codecademy: When I type in “npm run build” into the terminal I get this error: I can’t seem to figure out how to get it to work. Here is the link to my code on my github: Answer The error tells you that is not a valid option. You
