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Tag: frontend

Responsive dotted lines among the images

I’m trying to create a responsive dots connecting among the images like below. I’m able to achieve this with CSS, but the layout is collapsing when I tried to change the image widths or parent div width. How can I make this layout work for all screens and image dimensions? Here is my code link: Answer I would go

How to remove identical query parameters from URL [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I need to remove duplicated query string parameters from the URL input example need it to be Expected output: I’m using this jquery

Shuffling Text Animation with CSS/JS?

I want to display the word ‘Hello’ on the home page of a website. I used CSS to make the ‘Hello’ transition up as the page loads in the beginning. I would like to implement a shuffling animation that randomly shuffles between the word Hello in different languages. I would like to do so with an animation where as the

Output data from form on the page react

I am writing todo app. There are main files in my directory now: App (rendering main page with header and buttons) TodoForm (create a form) TodoBox (generating list of tasks) And the question is: how I can pass the state from TodoForm to TodoBox in App (it is initialize as an empty array now). I want to output tasks at

How to use Document Object Model in TypeScript?

I’m extremely new to typescript (and JavaScript for that matter), I think I’ve mastered the fundamentals when it comes to TypeScript (variables, arrays, if/else statements etc) but I would like to add functionality to my static webpages and I can’t keep using console logs obviously. My experience with JavaScript is quite limited but for JavaScript I could do something like
