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Tag: firebase-realtime-database

Cloud Function to Update a Record (value = value + newValue) whenever a value chages in Firebase Databse

I am new to Cloud Functions. I have a table ‘drivers’ with having few details. Now I want to write a Firebase Cloud Function which will trigger whenever the value in ‘drivers/{driverId}/history/{rideId}/rating’ is set. Update totalRating (drivers/{driverId}/totalRating) value to oldTotalRatingValue + NewTotalRatingValue. Any help or a reference would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance. =============My Approach====================== but my var oldRating doesn’t

Firebase extract name of object

I have a simple question today. I retrieve data from my firebase database: Also I log the results in the console, the following text is what I retrieve: Now my question: I want to access not the id that is in the objects but rather the “name” of the object itself. If you look at the first element: “-MPOg49jvG-md0twgj-D”: Object

Vuex Store Object Child returns undefined, parent returns properly. Why?

I’ve seen some similar questions but they don’t seem to match my situation. When I log this.$store.state.account I get the expected result However, when I console.log(this.$store.state.account.user) the user object disappears! All of the nested properties inside user return undefined though they log perfectly fine above console.log(this.$store.state.account.user) This is the method inside my component calling the object this is the action

firebase order by datetime desc and asc

so i learn something new from firebase realtime for chat purpose.. but i still confuse how to make an action “how to order by like php” so i have some code like this here my database How to order limit asc and desc method with lastupdate child? im search for reference that mostly tutorial for android. Answer You’re already retrieving
