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Tag: firebase-security

Firebase: authenticated and guest clients connecting to same Firestore Database

My use case is, I have a web app in which I listen to Firestore collections. One of the collections are for public users where anonymous auth is enough. And the second collection is for logged in users, so I implemented custom token auth following this. Once a user logs in, we start a Web Worker to initialise app

index.esm2017.js:370 Uncaught (in promise) FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions in ReactJs

Complete error Get net::ERR_FAILED 200 Rules(cloud firestone) seedData Code(data.js) class All other pages working fine Answer Your security rules just do not allow anyone to read or write to your database. If your set your rule to true as shown below, it should allow your to write: Now the problem is anyone on the internet can read or

Firebase Permission Denied

I’m relatively new to coding and am having trouble. I have this code to send data to firebase However, I keep getting the error: FIREBASE WARNING: set at /users/(GoogleID) failed: permission_denied 2016-05-23 22:52:42.707 firebase.js:227 Uncaught (in promise) Error: PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied(…) When I try to look this up it talks about rules for Firebase, which seems to be in a
