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Tag: filter

pure javascript table checkbox filter

Table filter value with checkbox I want to match all checkboxes conditions. Problem : when uncheck and checked again. it compared last value example: I uncheck robot and re-check james It should not display robot What I need # Or I should modified filter function. Can anyone advise with my code ? Thank. Answer The reason this happens is that

How to reset filter in html table

To be brief, I‘m looking for a way to reset my filter made on jquery. This is my html for searching, input text + button submit: Html table : This is my jquery to filter an html table : …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… Thank you Answer Simple, once the “reset” button is clicked, the value of the input will be changed

Search in Array of objects on multiple values

I have array of objects: I have a search bar on top and want to search for any matching string from any key which I provide. For example: I want to search from caseNumber, patientName & reader so I will call my filter function as filter(allCases, caseNumber, patientName, reader) I tried using Angular pipers but it is just working for

Javascript filtering a nested array to exclude objects that don’t include one of several elements

I have a fairly simple nested array of objects. Each object is composed of 5 (string) values, e.g. [“0,0”, “0,0”, “0,0”, “0,0”, “0,1”]. There are no variables attached, hence using arrays inside an array. Each object represents a puzzle solve permutation being tested by other parts my code. The main data set is composed of 150k permutations. I want to

Issues With Filtering and Re-Displaying Data ReactJS

I’m trying to filter through the RandomUser api to display either males or females. My current issue is that I can’t display the filtered data like I did the original data. Here’s my current code: I think my issue applies to how I originally setup my html with my if/else statement leading to the html constantly showing ‘loading…’ if I

How to filter data on Object in Angular

I get data from backend with this function and console.log(response) show JSON like below What I want are data that have “is_family_member”: false, for this I create this.personmembertrue = this.persons.filter(x => x.is_family_member === ‘false’) this part of code show empty. Any idea please how to show data with “is_family_member”: false Answer Change the condition to: See if that works.
